Michel Bauwens: Towards the Democratization of the Means of Monetization – The Three Competing Value Models Present Within Cognitive Capitalism

Towards the Democratization of the Means of Monetization: The Three Competing Value Models Present Within Cognitive Capitalism The Problematic: the value crisis In the 19th century, the counter-hegemonic forces of labour focused on the democratisation of the state as well as focusing on the redistribution of the surplus value created by labour. Both tasks are …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Review Breaks the Back of Citation Cabals and Incestuous Science

Open Review Brings Peer Review to the Scientific Masses This seems like a step in the right direction for the world of academic publishing. ResearchGate News announces, “Peer Review Isn’t Working—Introducing Open Review.” We know that increasingly, papers based on shoddy research have been making it into journals supposedly policed by rigorous peer-review policies. Now, …

Jean Lievin: Communities: the institutions of the 21st century? An interview with Rachel Botsman

Communities: the institutions of the 21st century? An interview with Rachel Botsman Since her influential book about how collaborative consumption is changing the way we live, Rachel Botsman has been a leading actor in the collaborative economy and stimulated important debates about its future. OuiShare Fest Co-chair Francesca spoke to her about her vision of …

Berto Jongman: Aaron Moritz on Rethinking Access to Research

We Need to Rethink Access to Scientific Research Aaron Moritz One of humanity’s greatest technological triumphs is today’s potential for widespread and unrestricted access to all of our collected knowledge. As we march towards this noble goal, there is something crucial we need to talk about. That is, some of the most vital information we …

Marcus Aurelius: Can the Army [CSA] Handle the Truth? Includes Copy of SSI Monograph “Closing the Candor Chasm”

Article below appeared in last week’s Army Times. Paper to which article refers attached; I’ve been carrying a hardcopy in my rucksack for weeks. Author works for the Undersecretary of the Army. Many of us feel that the Army absolutely cannot deal with truth or candor. Messengers often get killed. PC often rules the day. …