INVITE Robert Steele to Speak & Nurture & Energize!

SHORT URL: PDF with links (2 pages): 2014-03-07 Robert David Steele Speaker Profile Professional CV with publications (15 pages): 2014-03-03 Resume PRB OK CV Pubs 15 Pages PAGE ONE Robert David STEELE Vivas is a former spy, honorary hacker, and the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories. As CEO of Earth …

BUCKY 2.0: Cosmic Quotes

Following are some poignant quotes that might be considered a backdrop for our Cosmically Adequate (CA) consideration/pursuit/exploration: R. Buckminster Fuller 45 quotes Daniel Quinn 37 quotes Alex Gerber 22 quotes Mary Baker Eddy 20 quotes David Brower 14 quotes Jean Liedloff  10 quotes Robert Fritz 6 quotes Alan Weisman  5 quotes Pete Carroll 4 quotes …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Call for a New Language of Environmental and Social Responsibility, a New Spiritual Covenant

[ Editor’s Note: Henry Giroux, a frequent author for Tikkun magazine, calls for a movement that challenges what Giroux calls “the neoliberal nightmare” and presents a new language of civic values and social responsibility.The ESRA–the Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and the Spiritual Covenant with America at are examples of …

Review (Guest): The Burglary – The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI

Betty Medsger Hoover’s FBI and its threat to the Preservation of our Democratic Values and Institutions, February 8, 2014 Herbert L. Calhoun Seen properly in its widest context, this book tells us an important story about ourselves. It is a story about a familiar political game that our leaders continue to play on us. First …

Nik Peachey: Interactive Presentation Tool

This looks like a great free tool for creating interactive presentations and recording and publishing them. Just downloading it myself. From – Today, 5:51 AM With SlideIdea, presentations are no longer a one-man show. SlideIdea gives presenters the tools to engage their audience through their audience’s smart phones, laptops, and tablets. Each SlideIdea presentation …

Rickard Falkvinge: Has BitCoin “Central Bank” Crashed or Been Robbed? MtGox Failed to Honor $38 Million in Withdrawals

Major Bitcoin Exchange Not Executing Withdrawals; Now Owes Clients $38M In Disappeared Money Cryptocurrency:  MtGox, the oldest and once-largest bitcoin exchange, appears to have a serious problem. Since about a week ago, clients’ bitcoin withdrawals have been deducted from their account, but the clients never received the money – the money withdrawn was effectively disappeared …

Patrick Meier: Social Media – The First 2,000 Years [from Ancient Graffiti to Digital Pee in the Virtual Forest…]

Social Media: The First 2,000 Years What do Papyrus rolls and Twitter have in common? Both were used as a means of “instant” communication. Indeed, a careful reading of history reveals just how ancient social media really is. Further, the questions we pose about social media today have already been debated countless times over hundreds of …