Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

6 STAR Wake Up Call for All Educators August 19, 2010 Curtis J. Bonk UPDATE 21 Aug 2010 to add two graphics. I’ve seen educators struggle to herd their faculty cats, hire staff under industrial-era rules, and strive to accommodate students that know more than their professors about anything outside the “teach to test” topic. …

Review: Competitive Intelligence Advantage: How to Minimize Risk, Avoid Surprises, and Grow Your Business in a Changing World

REPOSTED to end Russian spammer constant hitting on former URL. Best Possible Starting Point for Executives & Students October 20, 2009 Seena Sharp This book is a gem. It is a rare book that I would recommend equally to senior executives and students thinking about a career path, but this is such a book. I …

Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT)–All Humans, All Minds, All the Time

Robert David Steele Position: External Researcher Email Mr. Robert D. Steele ROBERT D. STEELE is a retired Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer and also qualified as an S-1/Adjutant, with service at all levels from platoon to Service Headquarters. After four years active duty (the balance in the Individual Ready Reserve) and a decade in …

Journal: Continuity of Gerbil Operations

COMMENTS: 1.  The “fact of” PDB distribution is well known; Administrations influence who is on the distro list. 2.  Of the principals showcased here, some are (at least sort of) competent patriotic and some…well… 3.  This article is, perhaps unknowingly, deceptive in that it creates an impression that USG is postured to continue mission 24/7 from …