Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Jeff Madrick on Greed and Corruption in Form of Economic “Rents” in Form of Massive Unwarranted Bonuses and Salaries Among Wall Street, Federal Reserve, and Revolving Department of Defense Leaders

In the attached essay, my friend Jeff Madrick uses the unbridled greed of the finance industry (now trying to rescue itself from its own excesses by sucking at the government teat) to highlight the basic hypocrisy in the so-called free-market economy of go-go capitalism.  Jeff summarizes the results of two recent mainstream economic studies which …

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Class Too Dumb to Quit”

Our policy is to point to the original full sotry online whenever the source offers a persistent URL that does not require registration.  Below are extracts from Tom Friedman’s “The Class Too Dumb to Quit,” as flagged by Marcus Aurelius, pseudonym for a Special Operations officer with decades of HUMINT abroad. EXTRACTS: This scene is …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights: Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

The attached report in the New York Times portrays, perhaps inadvertently, some of the mental effects of the Taliban’s (really the Afghan) style of war, note particularly an impression of being surprised by the tactical skill exhibited by the Aghan insurgents.  In that sense, this report compliments and reinforces the far more detailed information in …