Journal: To “Win” the Cyber War, Start with a Brain

ADM McConnell has it right, although he’s understating a key aspect of the problem.  Let’s postulate that we have abundant technical capability.  The core of the problem, IMHO, lies with lawyers and legislators who will not permit effective utilization of the technical capability.  While easier said than done, particularly in terms of domestic and international …

Review: Measuring Globalisation–Gauging its Cosequences (Paperback)

Core Reference Note Social versus Economic Gap January 26, 2010 Axel Dreher The paperback is cheaper and recommended over the hardcover, but for decidiing to buy purposes, visit the hardcover to use Inside the Book to examine the Table of Contents and other sample views. For some reason Amazon does not transfer Inside the Book …

Graphic: GIS Makes Discrimination Black and White

The Revolution Will Be Mapped GIS mapping technology is helping underprivileged communities get better services — from education and transportation to health care and law enforcement — by showing exactly what discrimination looks like. Bob Burtman |  December 28, 2009 The institute’s maps played a vital role in a federal jury’s decision last year to …

Journal: Underpants Bomber Shines Light on Naked USG–Without Four Reforms, USA Locked in Place

UPDATE 3:  Obama summons intelligence chiefs to White House meeting Comment: This is pathetic. No one now serving in the White House is capable of telling the President the truth–that our $75 billion a year is wasted, that the agencies are suffering from 1950’s mindsets with 1970’s technology and security and legal blinders that are …

Event Report: 12 Dec 09 Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader et al

Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and a number of others gathered today across the White House, seeking to protest the decision to “surge” in Afghanistan. As best we couild tell, this did not make the news in any serious way. Protesters at White House Oppose Afghanistan War Many say they are disappointed with the president and …