Owl: Is US Military Waging Cyber-War for Monsanto Against GMO Activists? Or Are All “Activists” Now Considered “Terrorists?”

US Military’s Not So Secret War on anti-GMO Activists and Scientists Exposed?  Or a Simple Misunderstanding? “A highly concerning new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMO activists and independent scientists who study the adverse …

Marcus Aurelius: Anyone Can Hijack a Ship or Airplace Via GPS —

This is on the governments that failed to be responsible about cyber-security from day one. EXCLUSIVE: GPS flaw could let terrorists hijack ships, planes The world’s GPS system is vulnerable to hackers or terrorists who could use it to hijack ships — even commercial airliners, according to a frightening new study that exposes a huge …

Review: Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America

John Nichols and Rbbert W. McChesney 4.0 out of 5 stars Sickening at Two Levels — Superb Indictment of Periphery, Completely Avoids Two Party Tyranny Issue, July 19, 2013 This book makes me sick at two levels. Level 1: It is the best treatment available of what I and many others have been saying for …

Mini-Me: Posting a Hyper-Link is a Criminal Act SO Heineous As to Be Worthy of 105 Years in Prison?

Huh? Barrett Brown, political prisoner of the information revolution If the US government succeeds in criminalising Brown’s posting of a hyperlink, the freedom of all internet users is in jeopardy Kevin M. Gallaher Guardian, 13 July 2013 When I first noticed Barrett Brown in early 2011, I never thought that two years later I’d be …

Chuck Spinney: Insane Insider Threat Program in Context of Morally and Mentally Bankrupt US Intelligence System

Attached herewith is an essay I just wrote for Counterpunch. For you convenience  I have also attached a very important McClatchy report on the Orwellian Insider Threat Program being promoted by the Obama Administration. The lead co-author, Jonathan Landay, is one of the few mainstream reporters who has been onto the lunacy unleashed by 9-11 …

BIG EVENT: 31 Jul – 4 Aug Geestmerambacht, The Netherlands OHM2013 — Observe – Hack – Make

About OHM2013 OHM2013 – Observe. Hack. Make. is a 5-day international outdoor technology and security conference. OHM2013 is currently requesting proposals for content. A motley bunch of around 3000 hackers, free-thinkers, philosophers, activists, geeks, scientists, artists, creative minds and others will convene from all over the world for this informal meeting of minds to contemplate, …