Review: Shadow Government — Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World

Tom Engelbardt 5.0 out of 5 stars Responsible and Compelling — Avoids Some of the Darkest Facts, October 16, 2014 A more timely relevant book for US citizens could not be imagined, at least by me. By the sheerest coincidence, I have also recently read two books that in my view form a tri-fecta of …

Worth a Look: The Ancient Paths – Discovering the Lost Map of Celtic Europe

The Ancient Paths: Discovering the Lost Map of Celtic Europe, review Tim Martin has his eyes opened by an enthralling new history that argues that Druids created a sophisticated ancient society to rival the Romans Tim Martin The Telegraph, 12 October 2014 EXTRACT What surfaces from these elegant pages – if true – is nothing …

UN Paper: Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support) Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything

SHORT URL: Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support) Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything BACKGROUND RESEARCH PAPER Submitted to the High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda DOC (23 Pages): Beyond Data Monitoring 3.4 See Also: 2014 Robert Steele Applied Collective Intelligence 2014 …

Chuck Spinney: Crusaders and Zionists — Ending State Terrorism?

Crusaders and Zionists  Yuri Avnery, 11/10/14 [The author is Israel’s leading peace advocate.  He has been a member of the Irgun, a hero of the 1948 war, a member of Knesset, has worked with leaders of the Palestinian national movement, and is a prolific writer. His amazing biography can be found here.] LATELY, THE words “Crusaders” and …

Worth a Look: Sarapis Non-Profit, Free/Libre/Open Source (FLO) Solutions to Local Challenges — A NYC Change Agent

  FLO projects make their source materials freely accessible to the public at no cost & with few, if any, restrictions. What’s the Problem? Technological advancements lead to increases in productivity that are supposed to lead to increases in wealth. But for the vast majority of Americans, real wealth has actually been decreasing over the last 30 …

Yoda: Neil Irwin in NYT Gets Its Right – Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites — Robert Steele Comments + Book Review RECAP

At last, NYT gets something right. Scotland’s Independence Vote Shows a Global Crisis of the Elites Neil Irwin New York Times, 18 September 2014 When you get past the details of the Scottish independence referendum Thursday, there is a broader story underway, one that is also playing out in other advanced nations. It is a …

Chuck Spinney: Gary Leupp on Washington’s Ignorance About the Sunni-Shia Divide — PLUS Sunni-Shia Graphic and ISIS RECAP

ISIS and Washington’s Ignorance About the Sunni-Shia Divide “Most Americans Don’t Have a Clue” by GARY LEUPP Counterpunch, SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 EXTRACTS Patrick Cockburn reports that Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to Washington (1983-2005), once told  M16 head Sir Richard Dearlove: “The time is not far off in the Middle East, Richard, when …