Stephen E. Arnold: US Intelligence Out-Sourced

Intelligence Industry Becoming Privatized and Concentrated Monopolies aren’t just for telecoms and zipper manufacturers. The Nation reveals a much scarier example in its article, “5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry.” Reporter Tim Shorrock outlines the latest merger that brings us to this point, one between Pentagon &  NSA contractor Leidos Holdings and a …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google AI Bombs Big — PBI: But Eric Schmidt Has No Problem Defining Trump as Toxic…

Alphabet Google Smart Software Cannot Define Hate I read “Alphabet’s Hate Fighting AI Doesn’t Understand Hate Yet.” That struck me as odd. I learned in “Google’s AI Learned to Be Highly Aggressive When Stressed.” I assumed that an aggressive AI would take on an online dictionary, wrest the definition of hate from the Web site, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Visualization Game-Changer

The Game-Changing Power of Visualization Data visualization may be hitting at just the right time. Data Floq shared an article highlighting the latest, Data Visualisation Can Change How We Think About The World. As the article mentions, we are primed for it biologically: the human eye and brain processes 10 to 12 separate images per …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search, Intelligence, and the Nobel Peace Prize — the Case of Former Spy Robert David Steele

Search, Intelligence, and the Nobel Peace Prize For me, intelligence requires search. Professional operatives rely on search and retrieval technology. The name of the function is changed because keywords are no longer capable of making one’s heart beat more rapidly. Call search text analytics, cognitive insight, or something similar, and search generates excitement. I thought …

Stephen E. Arnold: The Dawn of Alexa — Open House Open Life in Ways No One Has Imagined Yet…

Bradley Metrock and the Alexa Conference: Alexa As a Game Changer for Search and Publishing Bradley Metrock, Score Publishing, organized The Alexa Conference held in January 2017. More than 60 attendees shared technical and business insights about Amazon’s voice-search enabled device. The conference recognized the opportunity Amazon’s innovative product represents. Keyword search traditionally has been …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Disconnect from Strategy

The Disconnect: Big Data and Business Strategy Imagine that: Big Data may not have a direct impact on business strategy. I read “Why Big Data and Algorithms Won’t Improve Business Strategy.” I learned that Big Data learns by playing algorithmic chess. The “moves” can be converted to patterns. The problem is that no one knows …