Worth a Look: Davos 2010 – MIT Collective Intelligence

YouTube 4 minute 13 second Thomas Malone at Davos on emerging Collective Intelligence. His bottom line:  Human + Computers Converging toward a single global brain, eventually we may be able to harness global collective intelligence. See also: What is collective intelligence and what will we do about it? 2008 World Brain as EarthGame 2008 COLLECTIVE …

Journal: MILNET Headlines

Interview With Admiral Mullen by Fareed Zakaria, CNN   Transcript and YouTube Interview with General Patraeus by Christine Amanpour, CNN  Story There’s ‘Work To Be Done,’ 9/11 Commission Chairs Say (Lee Hamilton, Thomas Kean) The war of new words: Why military history trumps buzzwords (Willam F. Own) Let’s Take Bureaucracy Out Of Intelligence (John Bolton) Beating …

IO Newsletter Volume 10 Number 4

Articles in this issue 1.         How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade 2.         Civilization’s High Stakes Cyber-Struggle: Q&A Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.) 3.         Academy Explores Expanding Cyberwarfare Training 4.         Directive Number 9 5.         YouTube War: Fighting in a World of Cameras in Every Cell Phone and Photoshop on Every Computer 6.         Air Force ISR, EW …