Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …

Mini-Me: Kerry-Hagel as Obama Attempt to Change Direction Away from War and Toward Domestic Reconstruction

Huh? A view of what’s really behind Hagel nomination fight From CNN’s “Early Start” January 8, 2013 EXTRACT: CNN: Peter wrote what I think is (one of the) most … interesting and compelling articles about the Hagel nomination, explaining it perhaps better than anyone I’ve seen, including the president. The first paragraph of the piece, …

Marcus Aurelius: Fact-Checking CIA Fact-Checking 0 Dark 30 [with Robert Steele Fact-Checking Both] 1.2

Fact-Checking the CIA’s Fact-Check on ‘Zero Dark Thirty By J.K. Trotter | The Atlantic Wire – Fri, Dec 28, 2012 “The CIA is a lot different than Hollywood portrays it to be,” reads an official explainer issued today by the Central Intelligence Agency — a thinly veiled attempt to continue debunking Zero Dark Thirty, the controversial Oscar favorite that …

John Robb: Community Supported Agriculture — Farming as Service

Farming is Becoming a Service. Here’s How to Benefit From It By John Robb Farming is increasingly becoming a service. The reasons for this are simple. People want the freshness, quality, and meaning they get from buying local food from people they know.  It’s also great for the farmer, since it enables them to directly …

Review: Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations

Jospeh P. Farrell 5.0 out of 5 stars This is an Information Operations / Counterintelligence Hidden Gem, December 23, 2012 The cover does this book a dis-service. This is a SERIOUS book that should be used in serious courses of instruction for both Information Operations (IO) and Counterintelligence (CI). The book lacks an index, a …

Review: Reducing Uncertainty: Intelligence Analysis and National Security

Thomas Fingar 5.0 out of 5 stars World Class on Iran — And Sad Summary of Shallowness Everywhere Else, December 21, 2012 UPDATED 12 OCT 2015 to elevate to five stars in recognition of the author’s extraordinary professionalism and honesty in assuring that the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) for Iran done in 2007 documented its …