Tom Atlee: Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence

Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence What this post is about:  Society’s collective intelligence needs to be able to see clearly what’s going on and take action about it.  Both NSA surveillance and corporate suppression of activism interfere with that vital dynamic.  This post clarifies what’s going on in these dynamics and suggests strategies …

SchwartzReport: Truthout on Seven Obstacles to 99% Getting Organized

Here is an excellent essay that addresses an issue that has come to concern me more and more: the apathy of Americans, our passive acceptance of what is happening to our country. Why Aren’t Americans Fighting Back? E. DOUGLAS KIHN EXTRACT: The Current Crisis and Today’s Fightbacks The last four decades have witnessed the first-ever …

Mini-Me: Uzbekistan Wants to Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia [We Do Not Make This Stuff Up] — Full Reading [English Below the Line] Makes Clear This Is A Manifesto — From Water to Genocide to Labor to Historical Grievances

Huh? Uzbekistan Media: We Should Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia A recent piece in Uzbekistan’s state-sanctioned media has advocated joining NATO and taking over the territory of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and most of the rest of Eurasia. The piece, published on, was taken down shortly after being published, but was preserved on  [PBI: English translation …

SchwartzReport: US Agriculture — Industrialized Food Combined with Gestapo Tactics Against Small Farms & Interstate Transport — Threatens Public Health

The food trend becomes ever more alarming. For people like Ronlyn and myself, who eat out of our garden, it has little impact, but for millions who don’t have that option, the story is becoming ever bleaker. The Obama Administration’s active complicity in this trend should be a national scandal. Industrialized Food for Profit Threatens …

Tom Atlee: Rachel Naomi Remen on Wholeness Among Us and With World

Rachel Naomi Remen offers a story about how wholeness became embedded in the world, waiting for us to call it forth.  I explore different dynamics of wholeness and how it relates to being agents of healing and transformation – including the power of disturbance to evoke grace. Wholeness moving in us and the world Tom …

Mike Lofgren: The Sleep of Reason Breeds Monsters – the Failure of American Public Institutions Enabled by the Collapse of American Public Intelligence

The Authoritarian Seduction “The sleep of reason breeds monsters.” -Francisco Goya The Gallup organization has released yet another dog-bites-man opinion poll which found that Americans’ confidence in Congress has fallen to a record low of 10 percent. This result is a continuation of a decades-long trend of declining approval ratings for Congress, and is justifiable …