Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo Reddit Quarantining 9/11 Truthers, Directing Queries to Government Site Instead — Meanwhile Google’s Wiping Out Truthers

Reddit Now “Quarantining” Users Who Question 9/11—Direct Users to Gov’t Site Instead On Thursday, the subreddit r/911truth was placed under a Reddit Quarantine. The Reddit Administrators claimed that the subreddit posts misinformation and then directed people seeking information on 9/11 to the official government website. In other news, Google-owned wiped out Dr. James Fetzer’s website …

Robert Steele: The Big Lie: “Russian Propaganda.” The Bigger Lie: “The Truth Is What We Say It Is.”

The Big Lie: “Russian Propaganda.” The Bigger Lie: “The Truth Is What We Say It Is.” American Herald Tribune 18 September 2018 DOC (6 Pages): AHT IO Russia and the Rest FINAL 1.1 Full text online below the fold. Полный текст, переводимый в онлайн ниже складки – используйте переходник в правом верхнем углу экрана. גאַנץ …

William Binney & Robert Steele at CATO: 9/11 False Flag NSA Shut Down Watered Down Thin Thread Down Precisely to Prevent Revelation of US Persons Involved in the False Flag event

NSA: Ordered to NOT Examine Data that May Prove 9/11 “False Flag” Terrorism? On September 4, 2018 at DC’s Cato Institute, a panel discussion was held regarding “The NSA and the Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned.” Karl Golovin (a retired U.S. Customs special agent and 9/11 responder asked: If U.S. Persons (intelligence, military …

Robert Steele: President Donald Trump’s 9/11 Speech is Full of Errors — Cell Phones Did Not, Do Not Operate on Aircraft, Nor Were Airphones Used UPDATE 3

UPDATE 3: I continue to get emails that assure me that the President has Bush-Cheney is his sights — which would also be a brilliant preamble to taking down Obama-Biden-Clinton (my letter to Comey below). Robert Steele: Certified Letter to James Comey – Pedophilia, Electoral Fraud, Treason, Charity Fraud – UPDATE 5 A major economic …