NIGHTWATCH: SWIFT Banking Attack on Iran

Iran – European Union – Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Swift): Swift, the communications provider for secure financial transactions for more than 10,000 financial institutions and corporations around the world announced it will disconnect Iran’s banks from the system. On its home page, SWIFT published the following news item:

Paul Craig Roberts: No Jobs for Citizens – Death Spiral

No Jobs For Americans Today (March 9, 2012) the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced that 227,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs were created by the economy during February. Is the government’s claim true? No. Statistician John Williams ( reports that 44,000 of these jobs or 19% consist of an add-on factor derived from the BLS’s …

Winslow Wheeler: “Defense” Budget – the Full Enchilada

Last Monday, after the Pentagon released its 2013 budget materials, just about every news article I read inaccurately reported the totals.  These articles did not just miss some significant bits not in DOD’s press release; they ignored another $380 billion in spending for US national security spending if you take the time to parse through …