Berto Jongman: Capital Theft, Not Government Corruption, is Root of Poverty in Third World

Flipping the corruption myth Corruption is by far not the main factor behind persisting poverty in the Global South John Hickel Al Jazeera, 1 February 2014 Transparency International recently published their latest annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), laid out in an eye-catching map of the world with the least corrupt nations coded in happy yellow …

4th Media: China as Financial Stabilizer for Latin America?

“China Has Good Reason to Help Stabilize Latin American Economies” Although these alliances will primarily be closer to home, most of Latin America is a naturally ally not only because of its increasing trade and commercial relations with China, but because of its common interest in an international political order that favors respect for national …

Event: 18 FEB 14 NYC Manfactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

New York Launch Please join us for the launch of Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare by Gareth Porter Tuesday February 18, 2014 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon Hardin Room, Church Center for the United Nations 777 UN Plaza (Corner of 44th Street and 1st Ave) Gareth Porter is an investigative …

4th Media: The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It

The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It Syria Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, who headed his country’s official delegation to Geneva II, called at the opening session of the conference on a collective confrontation against terrorism and on starting a national dialogue in Damascus, SANA reported. By Walid al-Moallem – Syria …

Reflections on Intelligence Reform

SHORT URL: Security sector reform and advancement begins in the mind.  In the 21st Century, raw information and tailored intelligence (decision support) are fundamental to progress at the strategic, operational, tactical, and technical levels. If we are to properly address intelligence governance from a comparative and international perspective rooted in an appreciation for the …

Rob Dover: Putting the Steele into intelligence reform

Putting the Steele into intelligence reform Robert Steele is one of the more interesting writers on intelligence. Based in the US, and a former practitioner he has brought an enormous amount of energy to the questions around intelligence effectiveness and intelligence reform, and can rightly be thought of as a grandfather of the open source …

4th Media: UN to Debate Truth & Reconciliation in Extraordinary Open Debate Planned for 29 JAN 2014

Truth and Reconciliation to be Debated at United Nations Ronda Hauben, 8 January 2014 The press conference held by Jordan’s Ambassador to the UN to introduce Jordan’s presidency of the UN Security Council for the month of January 2014 included a surprise proposal that distinguished it from the usual tradition of announcing the program of …