Marcus Aurelius: Advances in Corporate Espionage Neglect of Counterintelligence and Commercial Intelligence

Spies And Co. By Eamon Javers New York Times, October 25, 2012 Washington — SUDDENLY, Washington is extremely concerned about Chinese espionage. Last month, the White House blocked a Chinese company from operating a wind farm near a sensitive Navy base in Oregon. Next, the House Intelligence Committee said two Chinese telecommunications firms were manufacturing …

Steve Aftergood: Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals Deepens Its Lack of Integrity – “Negative Reciprocity” Means Unsigned Unsworn Summary Statements from CIA — Itself Notorious –Can Kill a Contractor’s Career – UPDATED

“NEGATIVE RECIPROCITY” EMERGES IN THE SECURITY CLEARANCE SYSTEM In the world of security clearances for access to classified information, the term “reciprocity” is used to indicate that one executive branch agency should ordinarily recognize and accept a security clearance that has been granted by another executive branch agency. This is not just a nice, cost-efficient …

Mini-Me: CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody ‘video-game’ sorties by drone pilots

CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody ‘video-game’ sorties by drone pilots The Mail on Sunday today reveals shocking new evidence of the full horrific impact of US drone attacks in Pakistan. A damning dossier assembled from exhaustive research into  the strikes’ targets sets out in heartbreaking detail the deaths of teachers, students …

Mini-Me: CIA Station Chief – Drone War Creating More Enemies Than We Destroy

Huh? Drone War Creating More Enemies Than it Destroys Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. New American, 20 October 2012 EXTRACT: Reuters explains that “Western diplomats in Sanaa say al Qaeda is a threat to Yemen and the rest of the world.” An argument can be made that a bigger threat to the world is the United …

DefDog: The Gathering Storm – CIA Asks for More Drones, Most Clueless About Tribes, and Rest of World Routing Around the State

These three hang together. CIA claims it needs more drones The CIA has asked the White House to increase the number of drones it employs to transform it into a paramilitary force, despite recent statistics that show the majority of drone deaths are civilians. CIA Director David Petraeus submitted a proposal that could add as …

Chuck Spinney – Cogent Analysis pf Arab Spring Seven Key Challenges Not Available from CIA or Department of State – Plus Personal Appeal for Contributions to Keep CounterPunch Going

Jeffrey St Claire, the editor at Counterpunch has given me permission to distribute the attached essay, “The Arab Spring at the Crossroads,” by  Esam Al-Amin.  It was published in the subscription edition of Counterpunch and is not available at the CP website.  Al-Amin, who I do not know, has written a very informative summary of …

Mini-Me: Eustace Mullins Books & Videos — a Deep Look Into the Origins of Western Financial Crime & Terror with Politicians as the Best of the Servant Class

Huh? First read Wikipedia / Eustace Mullins EXTRACT: A central theme of Mullins’ book is that the Federal Reserve allows bankers to monetize debt, creating it out of nothing by book entry, and thus they have enormous leverage over everyone else. Near the end of the book, he said of the Federal Reserve: The Federal …