SmartPlanet: Corrupt Government Allows Corporate Socialism – Privatized Profits and Externalized Losses

How corporations are crippling U.S. prosperity By David Worthington | October 15, 2012 A dearth of competition in major U.S. industries and a government that’s policy making has been severely corrupted by moneyed interests has led to depressed wages and stifled innovation, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist says in a new book. In essence, you’re …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Scrambles to Rush Spies and Drones to Libya – Makes Budget Increase Play on the Side

More of the same — never mind that the event is over and CIA has nothing serious to contribute. U.S. Scrambles To Rush Spies, Drones To Libya, September 15, 2012 By Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press WASHINGTON — The U.S. is sending more spies, Marines and drones to Libya, trying to speed the search for …

Mini-Me: Breaking — Israel Behind Libyan and Egyptian Mobs & Death of US Ambassador, 2 Marines, and 1 Other? CIA Asset Terry Jones, Romney Funders?

Huh? Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag” Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 13 September 2012 ———- Investigations by me, published yesterday on Press TV’s website, cited “Reverand” and “Doctor” Terry Jones as the source of the videos cited for instigating violence …

Mini-Me: Marine Officer on 9/11 – The Anomalies Continue to Surface

Huh? Phi Beta Iota:  As President Barack Obama faces what David Gergen calls one of three “choice” or turning point elections in modern US history, one has to wonder where he stands on the subject of the truth.  Below the line is a methodical review with many links from retired Marine Corps officer Jim Fetzer, …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA on the Margins of Syria, Choking the Chicken

Deja vu on Angola, Afghanistan, etcetera. CIA Chokes Rebels’ Weapon Supply Amid Islamist Fears By John Follain London Sunday Times August 12, 2012 Pg. 26 DESPITE mounting calls in Washington for a more aggressive US military role in Syria, the CIA has been quietly working along its northern border with Turkey to limit the supplies …

Winslow Wheeler: USAF Lies Big on F-22, Sacrifices Pilots, Zero Integrity

I have spoken to several people who have been closely following the problem of the F-22’s extremely serious physiological impact on its own pilots and ground crew.  Not one of these people found Major General Charles Lyon’s performance last week in a DOD briefing convincing.  If anything the general’s assertion that the problems can all be …

Winslow Wheeler: Military Spending True Lies True Costs

While Buck McKeon and Lindsey Graham continue to join with Lockheed-Martin in their jobs scare campaign, Ben Freeman at POGO did some fascinating research. Bearing in mind that the dreaded doomsday machine of sequester would return DOD spending to 2006 levels of spending (adjusted for inflation), Ben looked at how major contractor revenue and employment in 2006 …