Chuck Spinney: Syrian Use of Chemical Weapons? Bullshit. + Syria Regional Meta-RECAP

Pressure is mounting for the US to become involved in the Syrian civil war.  Advocates of intervention have all sorts of motives.  Once of the most attractive talking points from the perspective of the interventionists is the Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons on its own people.  This short and well focused essay addresses that …

Berto Jongman: EU Loses One Trillion a Year to Tax Evasion — Comment on the Tax Gap, the Information-Sharing Gap, and the Legitimacy Gap

EU tax: Barroso urges full automatic exchange of data The head of the European Commission has told the European Parliament he wants EU-wide exchange of income data as part of the fight against tax evasion. Jose Manuel Barroso said he would urge Wednesday’s summit of EU leaders to support automatic exchange of people’s earnings data …

Neal Rauhauser: Syria, Regional War, The Only Red Line That Matters + Syria Meta-RECAP

The Only Red Line That Matters Conclusion: Here are what I hope are a fairly complete laundry list of the issues: NATO member Greece has collapsed, triggering regional banking meltdown concerns Banks of Cyprus collapsed, Russian offshore banking haven taken out by Greek troubles Russian ally Assad’s Syria is failing, loss of Tartus would exclude …

Parag Khanna: Rise of the Info-States

Edging toward the sweet spot of new-century governance Enter the info-state. The info-state – today one of a growing number of dynamic and entrepreneurial cities, city-states or small nations scattered around the world – governs as much through data as via democracy. Scholars have for decades appreciated political mutations that drive international competition and result …

NIGHTWATCH: China Shows Muscle & Gravitas — Syria Shows Staying Power — USA Losing on All Fronts Due to Ignorance and Arrogance

China-North Korea: Update. China’s Foreign Ministry declined Wednesday, 8 May, to confirm the Bank of China’s closure of the account of the North Korean Foreign Trade Bank. In response to a question at Wednesday’s news conference, Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, “For specifics, please refer it to competent Chinese authorities.” Sources of the Daily NK …