Michelle Monk: PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements

PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements  This post has been rewritten and is being updated.  I’m looking for help, and if you want to take over completely, or help partially, that’d be awesome.. I’m getting tired; this “job” has a high turnover rate.  Right now, I’m mostly taking a break. The link for …

Theophillis Goodyear: Complex Systems Dynamics, Hueristics, & Poetry

Powerful and effective heuristics are the only way to quickly communicate the complex understandings required to save humanity, because they facilitate quick feedback. They break through information logjams. They reduce information overload. The various elite powers on the planet use heuristics in the form of propaganda to mislead the people and drive them like cattle …

Anthony Judge: 30 Disabling Global Trends (Checklist)

Checklist of 30 disabling trends Systemic erosion of confidence and trust, most notably with regard to: Politicians, with a vested interest in ensuring their re-election at any cost Science, with a vested interest in justifying costly research Professions, with their vested interest in overselling on the basis of their authoritative advice Business (especially the financial …

Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP

2013-04-03  Applause for China-Africa cooperation (Zambia) 2012-09-18  In Africa’s warm heart, a cold welcome for Chinese (Malawi) 2012-09-03  China in Africa, a Sierra Leonean viewpoint 2012-07-04  Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty 2011-07-19  Cameron warns Africans over the ‘Chinese invasion’ as …

Greg Palast: BP Failure in Gulf Preceded by Identical Failure for Known Reasons in Caspiuan Sea — BP Covered It Up, US Department of State ALSO Covered It Up. Manning and Truth the Enemy, Crime by BP and Treason by State “Not” the Enemy. Say What?

Bradley Manning & The Deepwater Horizon By Greg Palast for  Vice Magazine Wednesday, 3. April 2013 Three years ago this month, on the 20th of April, 2010, the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig blew itself to kingdom come. Soon thereafter, a message came in to our office’s chief of investigations, Ms Badpenny, from a person I dare …

Eagle: America’s Retirement Crisis

America’s Retirement Crisis Decades of class war leaves most Americans nearing retirement woefully unprepared. Since the mid-1970s, real wages haven’t kept pace with inflation. Benefits steadily eroded. High-paying jobs disappeared. Improved technology forces wage earners to work harder for less. So-called “free” markets work only for those who control them. A handful of winners benefit …