Arno Reuser: Google Search Reference Sheet

search language quick reference sheet Editted: 15oct2014 Google Search Term Guide Posted with permission.

Stephen E. Arnold: Salon Says Google Makes Us Stupid… PBI: We Think We Make Google Stupid!

Overreliance on Search Engines? The article titled Google Makes Us All Dumber: The Neuroscience of Search Engines probes the ever-increasing reliance on search engines and finds that the way we use them is problematic. This is due to the way our brains respond to this simplified question and answer process. The article stipulates that …

Yoda: Financial Times Loves Google — But Will This Love Keep Google Going?

FT interview with Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page Even the search engine’s original mission is not big enough for what he now has in mind Page estimates that only about 50 investors are chasing the real breakthrough technologies that have the potential to make a material difference to the lives of most people on …

Jean Lievens: Nationalize Amazon & Google? Absolutely NOT — Let Them Both Die.

Let’s nationalize Amazon and Google: Publicly funded technology built Big Tech They’re huge and ruthless and define our lives. They’re close to monopolies. Let’s make them public utilities EXTRACT Broadband as a public utility? If not for corporate corruption of our political process, that would seem like an obvious solution. Instead, our nation’s wireless access …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Being Sued for Search Malfeasance

Google Not Accurate in Search Results I read “Is Google Responsible for Delivering Accurate – And Truthful – Search Results?” The main idea of the write up is that at least one person perceives Google’s search results as “riddled with lies, deception, even criminal intent.” Google? My goodness. A locksmith is taking Google to court …

Berto Jongman: Harry Bentham on Google’s Betrayal (and Hypocrisy…)

Google’s Cold Betrayal of the Internet Harry J. Bentham IEET, 10 October 2014 Google Inc.’s 2013 book The New Digital Age, authored by Google chairman Eric Schmidt and Google Ideas director Jared Cohen, was showered with praise by many, but attacked in a review by Julian Assange for the New York Times, where it is …