Worth a Look: Cathedral vs. Bazaar (structure-design & public outcomes)

The world is assembled along the lines of certain logics.  Human organisations are also outcomes of such logics. Some organisations are assembled following the logic of the “cathedral”.  Other organisations are assembled following the logic of the “bazaar”. Cathedrals are organised as military-inspired command hierarchies.  Superior humans give orders, which must be executed by subordinate …

DARPA as Poster Child for Out of Control Budget

From the inventors of McNamara’s electronic line (which failed spectacularly in Vietnam) comes the Electronic Coup/Revolution Predictor (EC/RP)!  This is explained below in the attached Wired report. The EC/RP is merely the latest effort in DARPA’s continuing campaign to overthrow Boyd’s Law* (i.e., Machines don’t fight war wars, people do, and they use their minds) by …

Journal: A Glimpse Into Emergent Populist Intelligence

Tags Activist Altruist Centrist Coffee Party Communitarian Globalist Green Humanist Organizer Patriot Peacemaker Programmer Progressive Spiritual Theorist Transpartisan Universalist Volunteer Worker Writer Issues Balanced judgment Church and state Citizen participation and engagement Cooperation Corporate power Fragmented or disjointed thinking Grassroots mobilization Inclusion Media Mistrust Money in politics National unity Partisanship in politics Spin and distortion …