SPECIAL: Phil Giraldi: US Congress Owned by Israel

Benefiting Israel Tops US Congressional Agenda America Can Easily Be Moved Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu famously was unaware that he was being filmed when he commented that “America is a thing you can move very easily, moved in the right direction.” His predecessor Ariel Sharon was even more to the point when he reportedly …

SPECIAL & Event: Dr. Randy Short – Black Pastors Denounce Congressional Black Caucus and Denounce “Equality Act” As Going Too Far – National Press Club 5 February High Noon

Scores of American religious leaders, pastors, pro-life/pro-family activists, professional counselors, and social scientists have named themselves the Gone Too Far Movement (GTFM) with the aim challenge the effort of the LGBTQ movement hijacking the Civil Rights laws that were made to correct historic injustices against Black Americans.  

SPECIAL: Governor Chris Christie’s New Book — Slams Kushner with Justice

From the outspoken former governor, a no-holds-barred account of Chris Christie’s rise to power through the bare-knuckle politics of New Jersey and his frank, startling insights about Donald Trump from inside the president’s inner circle. In Let Me Finish, Christie sets the record straight about his tenure as a corruption-fighting prosecutor and a Republican running …

Berto Jongman: Social Media Censorship & Anti-Censorship — Twister vs. #GoogleGestapo

A Storm on the Horizon? “Twister” and the Implications of the Blockchain and Peer-to-Peer Social Networks for Online Violent Extremism “Twister,” developed by Miguel Freitas, is a social network platform centered around micro-blogging, much like Twitter. However, rather than relying on centralized servers owned and maintained by a single firm, Twister users operate a blockchain …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele – Yes, Lindsey Graham is Compromised… But He is Also Born Again. Representative Ilham Omar is Correct — and Both She and Senator Graham Should be Protected.

While I am quite stunned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is owned by the Zionists more ways than anyone can count, has put Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HRAC) this is a stroke of genius and exactly the right thing to do. This is an opening for …

SPECIAL: Winslow Wheeler – US Congress Hides The Earmarks But They Are Still There — Most Corrupt Congress in History, With Lockheed As a Particular Beneficiary

Those Porky Pentagon Earmarks Never Really Went Away In fact, the new scheme is even more venal, underhanded, and wasteful. The new pork system is deceptive and complex. It took all of my 31 years of experience on Capitol Hill to fully unravel it, with the help of some excellent research from two outstanding watchdog …