Berto Jongman: Pakistan Outs Three CIA Chiefs in Three Years… + CIA Cover Incompetence RECAP

Pakistan Outs Three US CIA Station Chiefs in Three Years Corporate Media Keeps US Citizens in the Dark by DAVE LINDORFF Counterpunch, Weekend Edition December 20-22, 2013 For the third time in three years, a CIA station chief has been outed in Pakistan, a country where the CIA is running one of its largest covert …

Chuck Spinney: Mission Accomplished in Afghanistan — Treason, Looting of the Commonwealth, Destruction of the Millitary, and Wanton Collateral Damage…

Below, Seumas Milne well summarizes the calamitous results of our misbegotten GWOT* crusades in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.  The result is not pretty, but that is hardly surprising. While Milne’s call for accountability applies to the British contribution to the GWOT, it bespeaks volumes for the United States — a country that prides itself on its …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

CYBER: Cyber’s Most Wanted DEFENSE: Iranian Mass Production of Coastal Submarines OPEN: interview With FBI Profiler of Psychopaths, Mary Ellen O’Toole OPEN: Italy Rise of Pitchfork Populists (USA Next?) OPEN: Lies About Singularity OPEN:  Missing Links: Access to Papers’ Raw Data Plummets by 17% Each Year OPEN: NSA Mismanagement, NSA Retaliation Against Whistleblowers (Kirb Wiebe) …

4th Media: Saudi Arabian-Pakistani-White House Complicity in 9/11 Exposed — Redacted Pages of 9/11 Joint Congressional Committee Inquiry Now Public

Last week, Congressmen Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch introduced a resolution urging President Obama to declassify the legendary “28 redacted pages of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry of 9/11” issued in late 2002, which point to official Saudi involvement in 9/11. After much lobbying, and under an oath of secrecy, Jones was allowed to read …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Government-Kurds Steady

Syria: Syrian TV reported that on 9 December the Syrian army captured the town of al-Nabk in west-central Syria after days of fighting. This town was the last rebel strong point on the road that links Damascus to Homs and the coast.

Reference: HSBC South-South Special – What a Globalizing China Means for Latin America + China RECAP

Points to Consider: 01 PRC Rising in Caribbean, Central & South America 02 Banking, Mining, Power, Water… 03 PRC Non-Official Rising Employer and Tax Revenue Power 04 Not Addressed: Export of Chinese Males — Demographic Majority Inevitable Source Snap-Shot: South-South ties between China and LatAm are growing beyond the well-known trade flows. Chinese corporates are …