Secrecy News: Mike Vickers on Leaks as “Serious”

LEAKS A “SERIOUS PROBLEM” FOR DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE Unauthorized disclosures of classified information are among “the major challenges” facing defense intelligence, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers told Congress last month.  Mr. Vickers is awaiting Senate confirmation to be the new USD(I), a post that was last held by James R. Clapper, who …

Why Boeing is Imploding–Spinney, Sprey, & Reality vs Political Engineering & Government Spec Cost Plus

Below are three separate contributions:  Spinney on Sprey; Sprey on Boeing; and Seattle Times on Boeing. CHUCK SPINNEY SOUNDS OFF President Obama says that restoring America’s competitiveness is one of his top priorities.  Yet under his watch, deindustrialization, financialization, and globalization continue without interruption.  Many advocates of defense spending argue that spinoffs from the Pentagon’s …