Mini-Me: Afghanistan — Multi-Billion Dollar Abandonment — an Opportunity for Funding Peace After ISAF

Huh? Scrap Heap of War: Billions in equipment being left behind in Afghanistan How much “stuff” is the United States military leaving behind as it withdraws from Afghanistan after 12 years of war? Try some $6 billion worth. And much of it may yet end up in a junk pile. That includes 850 MRAPS (Mine-Resistant …

Yoda: Mobile Learning (M-Learning) the Future + InfoGraphic

Why Care About M-Learning? Justic Ferriman+ LearnDash, 27 March 2014 Mobile learning is becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. There are a variety of reasons for this, but many have to do with the accessibility of mobile devices, the savings associated with a mobile enabled learning program, and the convenience mobile learning affords the learner. …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines — Soros, Israel, False Flag Blaming Iran — The Final Answer?

Role Of Israel & Soros Exposed By MH370 Twin Jet In Tel Aviv By Yoichi Shimatsu, 3-27-14 BANGKOK – It is by no mere coincidence, when telltale evidence of a Mossad role in the MH370 hijack was starting to snowball, that Israel’s embassies and consulates were suddenly shut down due to a “strike by …

Yoda: Design Thinking Meets True Cost Economics — Change Type Font, Save $370 Million

Font of Knowledge: Teenager Finds Typeface Switch Could Save US Government $370m A high school student from Pittsburgh has discovered a simple but innovative method that could save the US government approximately $370 million (£222m) a year in printing ink costs: Change the typeface it uses. Fourteen-year-old Suvir Mirchandani began his investigation into which typefaces …

Francis, Jesuit & Pope: Happy, Open, Thinking, Women on His Mind (Need for a Theology of Women)

Phi Beta Iota: It is increasingly clear that The Most Holy Father Francis, a Jesuit, is likely to be one of the most important voices of this century. This one interview appears to capture the essence of the man, a sinner blessed and chosen by God, to help us all discern and then carry out …