Review: Real-Time Diplomacy – Politics and Power in the Social Media Era

Philip Seib 5.0 out of 5 stars Major Contribution Leaving a Great Deal More to Be Discussed, March 4, 2014 Diplomacy is a third-rate practice at this time, largely because the governments representated by diplomats lack intelligence with integrity and are also not held accountable for making grand mistakes with consequencies measured in trillions over …

Bruce Schneier: It’s Time to Break Up NSA — Outline of Necessary Intelligence Reforms by Robert Steele

It’s Time to Break Up NSA Bruce Schneier CNN, 20 February 2014 Editor’s note: Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and author of Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Thrive. (CNN) — The NSA has become too big and too powerful. What was supposed to be a single agency with a dual …

INVITE Robert Steele to Speak & Nurture & Energize!

SHORT URL: PDF with links (2 pages): 2014-03-07 Robert David Steele Speaker Profile Professional CV with publications (15 pages): 2014-03-03 Resume PRB OK CV Pubs 15 Pages PAGE ONE Robert David STEELE Vivas is a former spy, honorary hacker, and the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories. As CEO of Earth …

Reference: Draft Smart Nation Act of 2014

DOC (1 Page): Draft Smart Nation Act of 2014 Proposed Legislation: The Smart Nation Act of 2014 • Within the Department of State, expands the capabilities for Open Government, Citizen Engagement, Participatory Budgeting, Global Engagement and Whole of Government planning, programming, and budgeting, by providing the Secretary of State with oversight authority of the Open …

Reflections on the Future of Information Technology – An Open Letter

SHORTCUT: This started out as an a letter to the collective leadership of a very promising open source software company, took a side step toward Microsoft, and finally made the leap here as a general open reference. Earth Intelligence Network, A Virginia Non-Profit (501c3) Corporation, is seeking endowed alliances that might wish to advance …