Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jock Gill

Mr. Gill is President and Founder of Penfield Gill, Incorporated, a consulting firm specializing in New Media communications, marketing, and strategic planning. Currently, Mr. Gill is a cofounder of the not-for-profit Grass Energy Collaborative and the for-profit Biomass Commodities Corporation. From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Gill was Director of Special Projects in the Office of …

Who’s Who in Commercial Intelligence: Ran Hock

PLATINUM LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Dr. Ran Hock Dr. Ran Hock has done more than any single individual to educate both government and private sector parties with respect to the value of the deep web.  He has single-handedly trained hundreds of individuals in the nuances of this major new intelligence resource base.  Emphasizing individual analytic skills …

Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras

Col Dr. Max Manwaring defined the first six generations of warfare, Robert Steele converted those to information operaitons (IO) eras, and added the 7th era, which is easiy to achieve with leadership integrity, virtually impossible to achieve as long as any government persists in retaining legacy systems that are stovepipes within stovepipes surrounded by security …