Sepp Hasslberger: 60% Poisoned by Floride

Fluoride is a nasty poison and it shouldn’t be in anything like a multi-vitamin, nor should drinking water be intentionally contaminated with it. SWALLOW THIS: Fluoride “Multi-Vitamins, Drops, Tablets” Are Not FDA-Approved, But Are Still Being Sold To American Children Scary pictures below the fold.

Nafeez Ahmed: The Next Big Scam – Suppressing Global “Riots”

Defence industry poised for billion dollar profits from global riot ‘contagion’ Forecasts of relentless civil unrest in the US, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia seen as massive ‘investment opportunity’ The next five years will see the international market for ‘riot control systems’ boom to a value of more than $5 billion at an annual …

Sepp Hasslberger: Exposing the Wikipedia Trolls Seeking to Cover Up the Truth

Tim Bolen and Mike Adams on the skeptics – intriguing story – a good read. Hate Spewing “Skeptics” – A Modern Day Ku Klux Klan of the Internet (Primarily Centered at Wikpedia) The control of Wikipedia health care articles is a prime example.  The manipulation of Google’s search engines is another.  The “skeptics” have training …

Natural Pandemics, Extreme Warfare – Most Serious Threats Faced by Humanity

Natural Pandemics, Extreme Warfare – Most Serious Threats Faced by Humanity Oxford’s Global Priorities Project has compiled a list of catastrophes – both natural and self-engineered – that could kill off 10 percent or more of the human population: natural pandemics and extreme conventional warfare are the most important global risks, with artificial intelligence (AI) …