Robert Steele: Open Source Governance – Creating a Prosperous World at Peace

Open Source Governance: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Robert Steele, Open Source Observatory (European Union), 23 May 2016 Open source solutions – primarily in software but increasingly also in hardware – cost roughly one tenth of proprietary offerings. The switch to open source software enables financial and public service scalability as well as quality …

Jean Lievens: Is Blockchain a Threat to the Distributed Internet? UPDATED with 2 Comments

Must  read. The blockchain is a threat to the distributed future of the Internet EXTRACT The need to replicate the whole chain of blocks on our computer is an insurmountable barrier to entry if you’re searching for an alternative to IBM, Amazon or Google. The Twister chain is still small, but think about how, to …

Review: Nation on the Take – How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy

Wendell Potter and Nick Penniman 4 Stars New Material on One Old Issue — Neglects the Other Eleven Electoral Reform Issues There is new material in this book, the authors are passionate, informed, and articulate, and they raise an issue that is of vital importance. However, and I list ten other books below to make …