Sepp Hasslberger: Alien Life (City Lights) on Ceres? Will Obama Disclose ETs Before January 2017?

It is intriguing to see lights on a small planet that can’t be explained. Are we looking at a settlement, a city of non human origin? Alien Life on Ceres: New evidence points towards intelligent life on the dwarf planet But if the pyramid-shaped structures and huge bright lights that resemble a city aren’t enough, …

David Brin: The Half Life of Secrets

Surveillance: A Golden Age or Dark Days? My friend and info-perceptive wiseman Peter Swire, who helped to formulate the post-Snowden NSA reforms issued by the Obama Administration, has a series of articles and white papers of interest to anyone who is serious about the core topic of our era.

Stephen E. Arnold: Carly Fiorina’s Big Bust — Barklays Bank Fraud? Bad Judgment? How Autonomy Gored HP and Its CEO

Hewlett Packard Autonomy: Bank Issues Alleged “The Price of Silence on Wall Street” provides a bit of information about the role of intermediaries in the HP deal for Autonomy. I find it difficult to figure out if the bank was doing its normal sales job for a juicy deal or if the bank was doing …

Mongoose: 9/11 Treason in Photographs – MENSA Presentation by Donald E. Stahl

Government lies.  Period. Evolution of the 9/11 Controversy: From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracy Photographs American Mensa Annual Gathering, Louisville, KY July 3, 2015 Donald E. Stahl EXTRACT The government’s official position is that no explosions occurred. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s latest statement on the matter is dated September 9, 2011. It reads: …