Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening. Open Courseware, Audio and Video: Open Courseware Consortium M.I.T. Open Courseware M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel List of courses by subject (May 2007) The University of Chicago on iTunes U, University …

Event: 24-26 September 2010 in Louiseville, Kentucky Coffee Party First Convention and Constitutional Convention moderated by Lawrence Lessig

TUE 21 Sep NEW:  Detailed Schedule, Pretty Amazing, Click Here to Read Meet us in Louisville for the Great American Democracy Meetup and Coffee Party National Convention! We want to reset the national dialogue so that we can address the challenges that we face as fellow Americans instead of partisans in a spectator sport. We …

Journal: Government as Client, Three Levels of Smart

Radical management: what to do when your customer is the government One constraint on implementing radical management is that the customer is on a different path altogether. A frequent example is where your customer is a government bureaucracy. You are aspiring to delight your client, and your client is saying, “Don’t bother with me such …

Review: Rethink–A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation

It’s About Context, Business Ecosystems, and IT Impact September 18, 2010 Ric Merrifield I bought this book on the recommendation of a colleague whom I have known for twenty years, both of us members of the Silicon Valley Hackers Conference started by Stewart Brand and now managed by Glen Tenney. When I came to buy …

Reference (2010): Integrity–Without it Nothing Works II

Integrity – A New Model “INTEGRITY: A POSITIVE MODEL THAT INCORPORATES THE NORMATIVE PHENOMENA OF MORALITY, ETHICS, AND LEGALITY” Academic Paper in Progress Werner Erhard and Professor Michael C. Jensen discuss their positive model of integrity that links integrity and personal and corporate performance. They address integrity in a developing academic paper, whose primary purpose …

Journal: Court Excuses CIA & KR Rendition & Torture

CIA rendition: US court throws out torture case, citing state secrets Appeals court judges sound apologetic tone in ruling; plaintiffs say they were tortured overseas in ‘extraordinary rendition’ program. Under the state secrets doctrine, courts have generally granted deference to executive branch claims that certain litigation may involve highly sensitive US government information which, if …