Review: Ecological Economics – Principles and Applications (Second Edition)

Herman Daly 5.0 out of 5 stars Nobel Level Foundation for Resilience & Sustainability, February 1, 2012 Dr. Herman E. Daly may well be a future Nobel Prize winner …he is especially well-regarded in Norway and Sweden, where he has received prizes one step short of the Nobel. He is the author, co-author, or primary …

PROPOSAL: 21st Century Governance – Beyond Participatory Budgeting

Event: 30-31 March 2012 NYC Participatory Budgeting 21st Century Network Governance – Beyond Participatory Budgeting Participatory budgeting is a very important step in the right direction, but in the larger context of both obstacles presented by corrupt governance and what is possible enabled by the Internet, it can be taken–quickly–to a higher level. Participatory budgeting …

Mini-Me: World Revolting Against US Economic Model [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Open Letter at P2P Foundation Dear friends and colleagues, The world is riveting toward a possible turning point and we hope that you are able to stand with us in this call to action. We, the undersigned, have co-authored the document noted below. We are now writing to seek your endorsement. Please if you wish …

Review: The KunstlerCast – Conversations with James Howard Kunstler

Duncan Crary, James Howard Kunstler 5.0 out of 5 stars Unique in Its Own Right, NOT a Substitute for Long Emergency,November 20, 2011 THIS IS AN OCCUPY BOOK. It illuminates legitimate grievances being talked about by Occupy. First, having read The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of …