Robert Steele: Ranking Member Devin Nunes Triumphs, Puts It In Writing — Will GOP Retake the House Under His Moral Leadership?

I gave up on Congress ever being honest or useful some time ago, but the ethical and reasoned voice of Representative Devin Nunes is so inspiring that I dare hope that the GOP will retake the House in 2020, and the new Chairman will undertake intelligence reform — intelligence (and counterintelligence) reform most easily achieved …

Robert Steele: Afghan Papers — STOP THE LIES!

Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war “Undeniable Evidence”: Explosive Classified Docs Reveal Afghan War Mass Deception Berto Jongman: Half US Troops Consider Russia an Ally [Robert Steele: Pentagon Freaking Out Over Growing Anti-War Sentiment Among Troops and Across America] Afghanistan: a Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies Related Links Below the Fold