Reference: 2009 National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America

One day we hope to see each State, Commonwealth, Tribe, County, and Municipality realize they need their own unique intelligence strategies tailored to their strategic, operational, tactical, and technical challenges.  The aggregate of all of those bottom-up strategies will, we speculate, turn the national intelligence on its head and get it back to basics.  Smart …

2004 Kaplan (US) The Saudi Connection: How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Mr. David Kaplan OSS ’04: To Mr. David Kaplan, for his extraordinary exploitation of legal and ethical sources of information in the pursuit of investigative journalism on behalf of U.S. News & World Report.  His studies of North Korean government corruption and of Saudi Arabian government sponsorship of terrorism, represent the best …

2004 Mazzafro (US) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Global Issues

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory OSS ’04: To the JHU-APL, and especially to Capt Joseph Mazzafro, USN (Ret) and Dr. Michael Vlahos, for sustained excellence in the integration of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) into their complex all-source analytic efforts in support of the Department of Defense.  Aided by the Gibson Library, …