Journal: Fake Gold Bars from China to India, Made in the USA–Federal Reserve and Bank of NY Accused–Meanwhile, Prison Planet and Bullion Vault Say No

Phi Beta Iota: We are NOT making this up.  People from around the world are starting to send us this stuff, and we love it–this clearly demonstrates the power of public intelligence in the aggregate, and the importance of multiniational information-sharing and multinational sense-making, the bulk of which is not now and never will be …

Journal: Web War II

Web 2.0 Expo: O’Reilly Warns Of Web War Paul McDougall November 17, 2009 Internet visionary fears an end to openness as Internet rivals consolidate power. The Web, which began life as an open community where information and tools were freely shared across geographic, political, and social boundaries, is in danger of becoming segmented into a …

Journal: Deep Secrets, Copenhagen World Government, the M-Fund, and the Future

Phi Beta Iota: Conventional minds cannot handle the esoteric, in part because they have been dumbed down by really rotten educational systems that emphasize rote learning, and in part by social conventions that reward loyalty to idiocy over self-discovery and “branching.”  We are seeing a convergence in “revelations” as more individuals achieve “hacker-like” open minds …

Journal: Wayne Madson on “Conflict or Revolution”

Confidential Doc Warns Of Conflict Or Revolution For US Wayne Madsen Report 4-3-8 WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources within the US financial community that an alarming confidential and limited distribution document is circulating among senior members of Congress and their senior staff members that is warning of a bleak future for the United States …

Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up!

EDIT:  See alsoJournal: Wall Street Scam Collateral Damage II From a Source in Moscow (First Two Paragraphs Only) Russian trade ministry officials are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that China is preparing to plunge the United States and European Union into the “dustbin of history” as major World economic powers over their, the West’s, …