Journal: Tyranny Looms Large–First the Internet, then the Guns, then Liberty Lost

Tyranny looms large in America, because We the People have become ignorant, inert, and too subject to mass deception.   Read the headline and first pargragraph, then (below the fold) the Phi Beta Iota comment, and then the full story online.  One bird, two wings.  Time to retire this turkey, starting with Rockefeller, Webb, and Warner.  …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 26 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Militarization of scientific research could spawn deadlier weapons 08/24/09 AA: The truth is adrift with the Arctic Sea [Russian Bio-Chem to Iran] 08/25/09 DE: Anti-German Jihadist videos flood internet 08/21/09 GR: Embassy speaks out after disputed website comment 08/21/09 IL: Boycotts only harden Israeli opinion 08/24/09 IL: Israel: A Stalemated Action of …

Journal: MILNET Flags Sorting It Out: New Tools Wrestle Mountains of Data Into Usable Intelligence

August 24, 2009 Pg. 11 By Kris Osborn In 2008, U.S. military forces collected 400,000 hours of airborne surveillance video, up from several thousand hours 10 years ago. So the Pentagon is turning to computers to help save, sort and search it all. “The proliferation of unmanned systems across the battlefield is not going to …

Journal: Senator Moves to Stop Scientific Ghostwriting

By NATASHA SINGER Published: August 18, 2009 A growing body of evidence suggests that doctors at some of the nation’s top medical schools have been attaching their names and lending their reputations to scientific papers that were drafted by ghostwriters working for drug companies — articles that were carefully calibrated to help the manufacturers sell …

Journal: High-Fat Diet May Make You Stupid and Lazy livescience Staff – Wed Aug 12, 3:03 pm ET By now, we’ve all heard that high-fat diets are bad for our health in the long run. But what about the short-term? A new study on rats finds that 10 days of eating a high-fat diet caused short-term memory loss and made exercise difficult. While the finding may …

Journal: Shrinking Arctic ice will stretch a shrinking U.S. Navy

Small Wars Journal By Robert Haddick August 7, 2009 Climate change and reduced sea ice cover may result in opening up the Arctic to vastly increased resource development and commercial traffic. These trends will inevitably spark international conflicts and create a need for more military forces to provide security and protect interests in the Arctic …