Berto Jongman: Kosovo – Crime without Punishment, Power without Responsibility

Crime without punishment, power without responsibility – Kosovo, international policy and the rule of law Unless the international community demonstrates it is serious abouthuman rights, restitution and disrupting organised crime and criminality, its current policy of stability in place of justice can only continue to fuel both injustice and instability. Learn more about the principles …

Reflections on Inspectors General

Short URL: Executive Reading (Printable 10-Pages): 2013 Steele Reflections on Inspectors-General 1.7 Updated 6 October 2012 Version 1.7 When I was selected for an interview to be the Defense Intelligence Senior Leader (DISL) for Human Intelligence (HUMINT) at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), it was General Ron Burgess, USA  and Ms. Tish Long that …

Penguin: Global Covert Campaign to Undermine Obama – Who, Exactly, Is Doing What?

Am in Europe where this was brought to my attention.  I don’t know what to think of this.   My local government counterparts are  quite certain that this anti-Islam film was a deliberate and orchestrated affair. We live in a very dangerous time. I hope people will take the right decisions. EDIT:  One of my counterparts …

Patrick Meier: Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System + RECAP

Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System Published by ALNAP, the 2012 State of the Humanitarian System report is an important evaluation of the humanitarian community’s efforts over the past two years. “I commend this report to all those responsible for planning and delivering life saving aid around the world,” writes UN Under-Secretary General Valerie …