Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Thiel & Trump – Displacing Old Tech & Old Complex?

Palantir Thiel: An If Then Chess Move? I read “The Peter Principle: Why Thiel’s GOP Convention Speech Will Be about Him and Not about Silicon Valley.” Interesting write up but I think the “about” part is possibly incorrect. I think the speech just might have been about Palantir, procurement, and displacing the traditional US government …

Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Retards US Army — with a Dilbert Cartoon

Palantir Causes Army to Slam on the DCGS Anti Skid Brakes My hunch is that there are some unhappy campers in the US Army’s DCGS program. Hey, delays interrupt the billing cycles for affected vendors. Based on my experience with some of DC’s biggest defense contractors, billing is often Job One for some folks. It …

Stephen E. Arnold: Onex and Baring Asia Buys Thomson Reuters Carcass

Thomson Reuters: Selling at Peak Value? I read “Thomson Reuters Announces Definitive Agreement to Sell its Intellectual Property & Science Business to Onex and Baring Asia for $3.55 billion.” Thomson Reuters has been working hard to pump up revenue and generate a juicy profit for its stakeholders. Like IBM, it seems that the best way …

Stephen E. Arnold: Stepes – Human Translation at Your Fingertips

Stepes: Human Translation at Your Fingertips Though today’s machine translation is a convenient way to quickly get the gist of a foreign-language passage, it has its limitations; professionals still turn to human translation services when it counts. A new platform, Stepes Translate, can bridge the gap (at least until algorithms catch up). Its chat-based format …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Engine Intelligence Gathering — Interview with Singularity Weblog’s Nikola Danaylov

If you are curious to learn more about the purveyor of the Beyond Search blog, you should check out Singularity’s interview with “Stephen E Arnold On Search Engine And Intelligence Gathering.”  A little bit of background about Arnold is that he is an expert specialist in content processing, indexing, online search as well as the …