Sepp Hasslberger: 60% Poisoned by Floride

Fluoride is a nasty poison and it shouldn’t be in anything like a multi-vitamin, nor should drinking water be intentionally contaminated with it. SWALLOW THIS: Fluoride “Multi-Vitamins, Drops, Tablets” Are Not FDA-Approved, But Are Still Being Sold To American Children Scary pictures below the fold.

Sepp Hasslberger: Cold Fusion at Coefficient of Performance (COP) 50 — Ten Times Expectations

Cold Fusion is very much alive and it might be the energy game changer we had hoped for when the first announcement by Fleichman and Pons was greeted with hostility and ridicule… Excellent Geopolitical #LENR Analysis Phi Beta Iota: Deep analysis could be read word by word. Bottom line is that low cost energy would …

Robert Steele: Peace Intelligence Biography, Graphics, & Selected Works

SHORT URL: Robert David Steele is a champion for Peace Intelligence who has sought since 1988 to redirect the craft of intelligence (decision-support) away from spies and secrecy enabling war and waste, toward open sources and methods favorable to peace and prosperity. Most recently he has lectured in Denmark and Norway on the need …

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) — a Nordic Manifesto

This is what I am taking to the Nordics. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Robert D. Steele, Earth Intelligence Network Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) is affordable, inter-operable, and scalable to the five billion poor now neglected by industrial-era engineers. Data-driven, a design revolution could enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) within …