Search: Eight Tribes

ROBERT STEELE: There are iron curtains between the tribes; wooden walls between industries and organizations, and plastic sheets between individuals in the same organization. Micah Sifry’s book, The Big Disconnect, and Stephen E. Arnold’s book CyberOSINT: Next Generation Information Access, capture my concerns perfectly. The IT industry has been corrupt (selling out to NSA), criminal …

Stephen E. Arnold: Entity Extraction Demands Human Intermediation — Computers Cannot Do It All….

Entity Extraction: Human Intermediation Still Necessary I read “Facebook Should Be Able to Handle names like Isis and Phuc Dat Bich.” The article underscores the challenges smart software faces in a world believing that algorithms deliver the bacon. Entity extraction methods requiring human subject matter experts and dictionary editors are expensive and slow. Algorithms are …

Review: Prescription for a World Crisis. Global Outlook, Issue 13 Annual 2009, False Flag Operations, How Wars Are Started By False Flag Operations. (Global Outlook)

Fred Burks 5 Star Mind-Expanding Modern Equivalent of Whole Earth Catalog or Anarchists Cookbook I consider this the New Age counterpart to the first Whole Earth Catalog, a non-violent alternative to the Ararchist Cookbook. As with most publications where passion is paramount, I retain a reserve of caution on perhaps 20% of the content, but …