2007 Winston Maike — In Memory — EIN Topic Summaries & Forecasts

Winston Maike (RIP) was the earliest adopter of the OSS.Net concepts and contributed in many ways over the years from 1993 onwards.  He corrected the Latin in the first motto, E Vertiate Potens (From Truth, We the People Are Made Powerful), and was the principal mind and drafter of the Earth Intelligence Network topic summaries …

Patrick Meier: MatchApp: Next Generation Disaster Response App?

MatchApp: Next Generation Disaster Response App? Disaster response apps have multiplied in recent years. I’ve been  reviewing the most promising ones and have found that many cater to  professional responders and organizations. While empowering paid professionals is a must, there has been little focus on empowering the real first responders, i.e., the disaster-affected communities themselves. To …

Berto Jongman: Documented Catalog of Vatican Crimes Against Humanity — Millions of Babies Sold for Cash, Hundreds of Thousands of Abused Children

The spread sheet at the below URL has web sites in support of most entries but has not been validated by an independent authority., Highlights include: USA 23,000 “orphans” in Catholic care used in human experiments/clinical trials, documented by BBN in “Guinea Pig Kids” USA 1 million women coerced by nuns to give up babies …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY: Chapter 5 Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics

DRAFT 1 OF 15 Chapter 5: Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics Funded by Mark Palermo, Inc. A.  Thinking & the Truth. 76 B.  Systems Thinking. 77 1.  Overview.. 77 2.  Time & Space in Systems Thinking. 78 3.  Creating & Using a Provisional Model 79 4.  Understanding Risk. 79 5.  Acts of Man: Failures …