Theophillis Goodyear: Dangerous Dynamics – Mistakes Rooted in Secrecy Perpetually Deny Truth

As long as the strategy of “war on terrorism” remains the same, it’s against the interests of the Pentagon to admit their strategy isn’t working. In theory that could embolden the enemy. But let’s look at two sides of that. The enemy seems to know better than we do how futile our strategy is in …

Berto Jongman: Nate Silver The Number Do Not Lie — But Do They Tell the Whole Truth?

Nate Silver: it’s the numbers, stupid The poker player and baseball nerd turned political forecaster won fame after predicting the result of the US election with uncanny accuracy. And as his star rises so too does that of a whole new generation of ‘quants’ leading the digital revolution Carole Cadwalladr The Observer, Saturday 17 November …