Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Would Furlough All Civilians Under Revised Sequestration — This Is a Lie Being Told By Mixing Half-Truths and Eschewing Intelligence with Integrity

Reading the report, the fine print says sequestration is unlikely to occur. Pentagon would furlough all civilians under revised sequestration, analyst says Chalres S. Clark Government Executive, 9 January 2013 Unless Congress achieves a deal to head off the revised schedule for across-the-board spending cuts, the Defense Department in March will be forced to begin …

Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP

Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator with a gift for identifying legitimate sources worth reading on their own. Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise EXTRACT Unfortunately for the Obama regime, this report says, and the reason for another “tragic event” needing to happen, is that the “official story” about …

Reflections on the Next Four Years — Eradicate “Distortions,” Get the Truth on the Table, and Focus on Free Energy

Joseph Stiglitz, an economist I admire and would trust as one of several advisers has written a provocative essay, “The Post-Crisis Crisis” (Project Syndicate, 9 January 2013).  Here is his opening: NEW YORK – In the shadow of the euro crisis and America’s fiscal cliff, it is easy to ignore the global economy’s long-term problems. …

Paul Craig Roberts: Does Truth Have a Future in America?

Does Truth Have A Future In America?  EXTRACT: Hope or no hope, truth is becoming harder to come by. During the Vietnam war when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, the New York Times published them. However, during the Iraq war when a National Security Agency whistleblower leaked the information to the New York Times …

SchwartzReport: The Truth is a Stake in Monsanto’s Heart — If It Had One — and If Public Had a Brain

Cancer of Corruption, Seeds of Destruction: The Monsanto GMO Whitewash   F. William Engdahl – Centre for Reseaerch on Globilization Here is the latest on the GMO trend. It is not a happy story. EXTRACT: The study was also done with the highest number of rats ever measured in a standard GMO diet study. They …

Event: 27 Dec 2012 Hamburg DE Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime

Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime Blowing the Whistle on Spying, Lying & Illegalities in the Digital Era Featuring Thomas Drake, William Binney, and Jessaelyn Radack With the post 9/11 rise of the leviathan national security state, the rule of law in the …