Mongoose: Four Levels of Jew — Not to Be Confused with the Khazarian Mafia Led by Rothschilds

Jews are not the enemy. This is a useful breakdown from a top Asian gold expert based in Singapore. Below is a break-down we use to analyze the influence of Jews within the USA, stressing two points: first, the top level is not Jewish — it contains wealthy Jews but it is not inherently Jewish. …

Marcus Aurelius: Donald Trump As “A giant middle finger…”

This is absolutely  brilliant. It was published by small-government advocate and President Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorist Don Fredrick, and was originally published on his blog, The Complete Obama Timeline. It did not go viral until it was mis-attributed to New Yorker magazine. New York Null Values “Who is Donald Trump?” The better question may be, “What is Donald Trump?” …

ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Brandi Sling (P) on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On…

ANSWERS: Robert Steele on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On… My seven questions (with sub-sets) are as follows:     On March 6, 2015, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, announced a major restructuring of the CIA by converting the directorates of Operations, Analysis, Support, and Science and Technology, as well as the …

Kevin Barrett: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich

Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich Epilogue to The Orlando False Flag: Clash of Histories “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public …

Yoda: What Melania & Donald Jr. Speech Plagarism Tells Us About the Trump Campaign…

According to Michael Gerson, former White House speechwriter. What George W. Bush’s chief speechwriter thinks of the Melania Trump mess An error like the one Melania Trump committed last night tells us that the Trump campaign lacks seriousness and structure, which is also demonstrated by its divisive style, weak ground game and poor fundraising numbers. …

Danny Sheehan with Gary Null: Four Interviews – New Reflections on The Deep State, Money, Nazis, and Murder

A New Level of “Deep State” Exposure – Interviews by Gary Null with public interest attorney, Daniel Sheehan Activists from all backgrounds would be well-served to gain a thorough understanding of the corporate, military and financial forces that operate behind the scenes and exert control over governments and institutions. Even presidents have had to contend …