OpenBTS Egypt — Need to Flesh Out OpenBTS USA

OpenBTS Egypt simplifing the GSM network architecture Worth a look. Activists and concerned citizens in the USA should be ramping up ham radio as well as OpenBTS and OpenMoney.  Facebook credits might be an intermediate solution.  As we saw in relation to Wikileaks with Amazon, MasterCard, and PayPal, corporations cannot be trusted to honor their …

Carthage under Siege + Revolution Tyranny RECAP

Interesting reading…. Middle East & North Africa: Carthage under Siege By Feriel Bouhafa , January 26, 2011 Foreign Policy in Focus The success of a throng of Tunisian protesters who toppled Ben Ali, the seemingly unshakable dictator, caught the world off guard. Analysts have rushed to make sense of Tunisia’s unforeseen popular revolt.  The media …

U.S. intelligence agencies ‘sharing too much’

Unbelievable….we cannot make this stuff up! U.S. intelligence agencies ‘sharing too much’ January 20, 2011 – 8:10am House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) in his office. (WTOP Photo/J.J. Green) J.J. Green, WASHINGTON – Intelligence agencies may be ordered to limit the information they share. “When you look at information sharing, I think we …

Reference: Advanced Cyber-IO (First Cut)

The below was inspired by a close look at the evolving concept of cyber-commands.  In our judgment, LtGen Keith Alexander, USA and those in charge of the various service cyber-commands are headed for spectacularly expensive failure, minor operational successes not-with-standing.  The officers concerned are well-intentioned, precisely like their predecessors who chose to ignore precisely the …