M. Johanna Smith: Science of Water Being Undermined by USG and EPA — Poisoned Water is Government Policy

At the August 2012 Gordon Research Center Conference on DBPs of Chloraminated Drinking Water Systems multiple researchers presented material regarding the ulra carcinogenic DBPs of chloraminated water. In an extraordinary and draconian measure, EPA had one of their own researchers taken into federal remand. Dr. Susan Richardson At the time the then EPA Risk Management Lab …

Marcus Aurelius: SSCI Unclassified Report on Benghazi Slams State, CIA, CJCS, and CINCAFRICOM

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) today released a declassified report on Sep 2012 attack on Consulate Benghazi. Invite your attention to SSCI press release, first below, and report’s assessment of CJCS’s performance as a leader, second below. Actual declassified and redacted report attached in PDF format. NB: Key findings and recommendations, and complete downloadable …

Tom Atlee: TPP & Fast Track Toxic to Democracy — Call for Action

Act now re TPP and Fast Track (toxic to democracy) This month the US Congress could pass legislation that would make sure that complex trade agreements favored by multinational corporations – like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) – would be pushed through Congress with little debate and little information provided to the public. This so-called “fast-track” …

Yoda: Schoolboy Stops Terrorist – A Perfect Example of Bottom-Up Security

Rush & crush, this is. Teen Dies Saving Classmates From Suicide Bomber ABC, ISLAMABAD, Pakistan Jan. 10, 2014 He was an average student from Hangu, a remote town in North Western Pakistan, but he has become a national hero. Aitzaz Hasan, 14, stopped a suicide bomber from entering his school Monday and sacrificed his life …

Marcus Aurelius: Congress Favors Corrupt Weapons Systems Over Honorable People…Again — What Role for DIA? Plus Comments

Nonpartisan my ass! CBO suggests tough defense spending cuts By Patricia Kime Staff writer The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has proposed six ways to reduce defense spending ranging from deep cuts to the military services to controversial reductions in pay and benefits. In a presentation Tuesday before a group of retired and current government personnel …