Berto Jongman: Evidence of Ancient Civilization Destroyed by Comet

Hancock’s smoking gun evidence that comet destroyed ancient civilisation hidden at Gobekli Tepe, Gunung Padang EXTRACT Hancock says that this sudden decline in temperatures, was a direct result of an impact of a comet in North American ice caps that first led to floods followed by tidal waves and ultimately a vast cloud of dust …

Sepp Hasslberger: Wikipedia & Media Corruption Censoring News of Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Lawsuit (class action) filed in California against Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup! Spread the word, the media is refusing to report… Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Monsanto. Media Silent Efforts to publicize this lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising with Roundup,  filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015, have been rejected by the LA …

Winn Schwartau: Airlines in Cyber-Panic? PLUS Robert Steele on Criminal Irresponsibility UPDATE 5

I REALLY believe in this. This is serious shit.  W UPDATE 5: Note from Winn with Link to Pilot Brief on Avionics Insecurity EXTRACT I am saying something very simple: I don’t know, and I don’t know anyone else who really does know, for absolutely sure, how secure the various networks and systems on airplanes …

Chuck Spinney: Trevor Timm on Media, Hersh, & Bin Laden PLUS Phi Beta Iota: Did Patsy — and SEALS — Die to Re-Elect Obama?

Madison’s Farce In Action: The media’s disgraceful reaction to Seymour Hersh’s bin Laden Report EXTRACT In an ideal world, Hersh’s report would trigger more investigative journalism.  Yet despite its obvious importance, as Trevor Timm explains below in the Columbia Journalism Review, the mainstream media’s reaction to the Hersh report has not been to dig deeper, …

Joseph Stiglitz: New New Lipstick on the Pig

Today, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, the Columbia professor and former economic advisor to Bill Clinton, [published] a new report for the Roosevelt Institute entitled “Rewriting the Rules,” which is basically a roadmap for what many progressives would like to see happen policy wise over the next four years. Eight “fixes” and PBI commentary below the …