Review: Base Nation – How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World

David Vine Fundamental Work, Narrow, Understates Total True Cost This is a five-star academic work, a superb up-to-date compilation of what can be known legally and ethically about US military bases in all forms from the formal to the undeclared and covert, around the world. It’s inclusion in the American Empire Project puts the author …

Mongoose: 9/11 Treason in Photographs – MENSA Presentation by Donald E. Stahl

Government lies.  Period. Evolution of the 9/11 Controversy: From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracy Photographs American Mensa Annual Gathering, Louisville, KY July 3, 2015 Donald E. Stahl EXTRACT The government’s official position is that no explosions occurred. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s latest statement on the matter is dated September 9, 2011. It reads: …

Review: Transforming the Dream – Ecologism and the Shaping of an Alternative American Vision

Charles Bednar 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Star Synthesis, Starting Point for Anyone Who Wishes to Think Holistically, July 4, 2015 The author taught me most of what I retain in the way of political science fundamentals during our time together at Muhlenberg College, where he was former Chair of the Department of Political …

Review: Killing Hope – US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

William Blum 5.0 out of 5 stars Essential Reference on the Toxicity of US Military at Direction of Political Criminals, July 3, 2015 This is the UPDATED edition bring this long-standing historical tour de force up from the last edition that ended in 2008, to 2014. This means that it includes the newest elective wars …

Yoda: US Congress Goes Open Source

House gets green light for open source The House of Representatives has officially jumped on the open source bandwagon. A June 25 announcement declared that U.S. representatives, committees and staff would be able to procure open source software, participate in open source software communities and contribute code developed with taxpayer dollars to open source repositories.

Robert Steele: Vilification of the Confederate Flag is Abusive, Despicable, Ignorant Public Misbehavior

Every time I think I have seen President Obama hit bottom he exceeds my previous expectations. The recent vilification of the heritage of half the country, criminalizing the symbol of that heritage for tens of millions of Americans, is gratuitously divisive, to say the least. It also displays a stunning ignorance of history, and a …