Review: Eaarth–Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

Starts Weak, Ends Strong, Not the Whole Picture July 21, 2010 Bill McKibben EDIT of 2 August 2010: However great the mind or the man, we all make mistakes. Paul Hawkins made his with Monsanto, I’ve made mine. ClimateGate established with clarity the fraud associated with both the fabricated science and the intended “sub-prime mortgaging” …

Reference: Debt, Deficits, & Defense–Sub-Text Bloomberg and Nunn Round Two, 52 Q&A

A new report from the Sustainable Defense Task Force, formed by House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) identifies reductions in Pentagon spending while maintaining strong defense capabilities as the best response to the nation’s mounting fiscal restraints. These options cover the full range of Pentagon expenditures including procurement, R&D, personnel, operations and …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Pakistani Intelligence Service Planned Mumbai “End to End”–NSA and CIA Either Missed It, Or Blessed It…Either is Grounds for Shut-Down

India-Pakistan: Today, on the eve of the first talks between foreign ministers since 2008, the Indian Home Affairs Ministry announced that India has obtained evidence that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) directorate played a more significant role in the planning and execution of the November 2008 Mumbai attack than had previously been thought, according to Indian …

Review (Guest): Bureaucracy–What Government Agencies Do And Why They Do It

James Wilson (Author) 43 of 46 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Comprehensive Guide To Government Bureaucracy, January 1, 2002 By Tansu Demir (Springfield, IL) – See all my review This book is really a “comprehensive” (in the literal meaning of the word), clearly written, richly supported by concrete cases …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Dave Warner

Gov 2.0 Summit 09: Dave Warner, “Rapid Fire: Location, Location, Location” Dave Warner  MindTel ARCH Synergist Dave Warner is a Medical Neuroscientist and the Director of Medical Intelligence at MindTel. His interests include interventional informatics, medical communications, distributed medical intelligence, biosensors, quantitative human performance, expressional interface systems and physio-informatics. He has been engaged in …

NSA To Monitor Critical Computer Networks Looking For Imperfect Citizens

(IEEE Spectrum) By: Robert Charette // Thu, July 08, 2010 There is a story in the Wall Street Journal about a new, $100+ million, classified program being run out of the National Security Agency (NSA) that will monitor critical commercial and government infrastructure systems such as electricity grids, nuclear power plants, air traffic control systems and the …