Eagle: US Adults Dumber Than Average Human

Did not make this up!  Associated Press says so. US adults are dumber than the average human Associated Press, 8 October 2013 WASHINGTON — It’s long been known that America’s school kids haven’t measured well compared with international peers. Now, there’s a new twist: Adults don’t either. In math, reading and problem-solving using technology – …

Review (Guest): The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy: The Revolution in Higher Education

Charles Hugh Smith Publisher’s Overview: With the soaring cost of higher education, has the value a college degree been turned upside down. College tuition and fees are up 1000% since 1980. Half of all recent college graduates are jobless or underemployed, revealing a deep disconnect between higher education and the job market. It is no …

Jean Lievens: Thomas Malone at MIT on Collective Intelligence

Thomas W. Malone is the Patrick J. McGovern Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the founding director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence. He was also the founding director of the MIT Center for Coordination Science and one of the two founding co-directors of the MIT Initiative on “Inventing …

David Swanson: Is USG Tripping on Drugs?

Is the Federal Government a Drug-Induced Hallucination? You laugh, but that could be a side-effect.  Consider: The Capitol Police just murdered an unarmed mother fleeing her car on foot, declared her child “unharmed,” and received the longest standing-ovation in Congress since Osama bin Laden’s Muslim sea burial.  Try holding your breath until Congress takes the …

Berto Jongman: John McAfee Vows to Make Internet “Impossible to Hack” + Internet/Human Intelligence Meta-RECAP [Bottom Line Up Front: Internet without Intelligence and Integrity is Noise]

John McAfee vows to make Internet ‘impossible to hack’ By Dan Nakaso dnakaso@mercurynews.com >Posted:   09/24/2013 05:38:37 PM PDT | Updated:   a day ago SAN JOSE — Anti-virus software pioneer John McAfee, who buried himself in the sand to hide from police in Belize, faked a heart attack in a Guatemalan detention center and …