Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Backdoors and Hardware Attacks Beyond GPS to IPS CYBERPOL Guantanamo – Media Missing the Point? Hackers in Demand — and Rehabilitated Human Security First Open Academy Snowden Method – How He Breached NSA Stuxnet in Space (from 2008 onwards) Swimming Drone Wall Street Rigged — Robo Details Weaponized Internet

Review (Guest): Trail of Tears – The Story of the American Indian Removals 1813-1853

Gloria Jahoda The Acknowledged Moral low point of American History, November 4, 2013 By Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal” This review is from: Trail of Tears (Hardcover) This is an unrelenting narrative, tightly written and carefully researched of one of the lowest points in the moral history of a country whose national narrative is full of …

Chuck Spinney: American Exceptionalism as Cover Theme for Elite Looting…

American Exceptionalism is exceptionally lucrative for some morally unexceptional people and organizations. If you doubt this, read the attached report, which can be thought of as a contemporary commentary on America’s political-economic culture. To bad for them Putin intervened to place a (temporary?) roadblock across their march to war. (The report and a summary can …

Chuck Spinney: Fed Up With Larry Summers + Immoral Economics RECAP

IMO … Greider is one of the most astute observers of the Fed and the pro-plutocratic antics of the Neo-Liberal Democrats. Fed Up With Larry Summers by William Greider Extract: Don’t be misled. Those who dig into his old speeches and pronouncements will find rich material to make the case for rejecting him. The question …